Friday, April 20, 2007

Earth Day 2007

Founded 37 years ago, Earth Day was the start of the modern environmental movement. Spurred by deteriorating environmental conditions, Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, proposed the first nationwide environmental protest "to shake up the political establishment and force this issue onto the national agenda. " "It was a gamble," he recalls, "but it worked." (Read more on the history of Earth Day HERE from Earth Day Network)

Today, with the threat of Global Warming, celebrating our earth is even more important. I have been watching the Planet Earth series on the Discovery Channel and if I didn't already think the beauty and diversity of our planet was worth fighting for and saving, I certainly do now. I highly recommend this show. The photography and video is absolutely stunning, and offers us a glimpse into worlds rarely seen.

Earth Day gives us a chance to celebrate this wondrous place we live and there are many different things we can do. Many cities have Earth Day celebrations, HERE is a link to a calendar containing events in different cities across the US. Defenders of Wildlife challenges you to "take the pledge" to take a young person out in nature. Check them out HERE. The Green Guide is a great resource for Earth Day ideas, you can find Ten Tips for Earth Day: Preserving Biodiversity HERE. They are also a great resource for all things green - you can get a subscription for as low as $12 per year (if you choose the online version), or $15 per year if you choose the paper version (made of recycled paper and printed with soy ink). Click The Green Guide if you are interested. Other simple things you can do are plant some seeds. Get some cute pots and have your kids help you. Also, be conscious of your footprint on the earth. If you haven't already done so, replace a lightbulb, make sure your tires are properly inflated (or better yet take public transportation!), visit your local farmers market and buy some scrumptious locally-grown produce. Have an Earth Day potluck - invite friends over and make it a local theme. Whatever you do, enjoy the day and really remember what Earth Day stands for and celebrate the bounty of nature.

Happy Earth Day my green friends! I will be thinking of you as I celebrate my Earth Day on the beautiful Oregon Coast.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Great post! Lots of great resources! Kudos!!